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Pilose Classic Series

Pilose Classic

Pilose Classic (Men & Women)

  • Non - Paraben 

  • Non - Sulfate

  • Non - Silicon

PILOSE has realized the scientific composition of ingredients through meticulous analysis of various treatments and refreshing feel after use to increase the level of satisfaction of home care. All components used in PILOSE have been proven effective for the health of the hair based on clinical results and internationally prestigious journal reports in dermatology.
PILOSE can systematically complement hair care programs that fit the hair pharmacological theories that treat various mechanisms of problematic hair.

  • Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss is the most common form of hair loss and about half of all men experience male pattern hair loss by age of 50. It can even begin at an earlier age like in the 20s.

Male pattern hair loss can occur due to different environmental factors such as stress and poor lifestyles, in addition to basic factors such as male hormones (DHT), genetics and ageing.

For men, it has a characteristic form of a widening forehead in an M shape or widening bald areas from the crown of the head in an O shape.

  • Alopecia Areata

It is a condition where hair is lost from some or all area of a body, usually from the scalp. The hair loss is triggered by genetics and emotional stress. It is characterized as hair loss on one or more spots on the scalp that comes and goes. Sometimes can lead to permanent hair loss.

Ingredients Highlights
  • Female Pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss in women is associated with the change in levels of the Androgen Dihydrotesterone (DHT). Female pattern hair loss may be accelerated by different factors like stress and hectic lifestyles.

It is also caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy/childbirth, intake of oral medication and menopause. It is characteristic in that the hair around the crown of the head thins out and expands around the parted areas.

Pilose Classic
Pilose Classic
  • Scalp elasticity improvement – zinc + pyridoxine, biotin, D-Panthenol

  • Hair follicle keratinocyte differentiation stimulation – OPC-Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin

  • Sebum secretion normalization – D-Panthenol

  • Anti-inflammation & anti-oxidant – OPC, Copper peptide

  • Cuticle Protection & Recovery – Bio-peptides CL & Biotin

  • Synthesis Stimulation – Biotinyl-GHK

  • Vascularization improvement – Apigenin & copper peptide

  • Growth promotion & TGF-Beta suppression – OPC-Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin

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